Ride a Pedal Cycle on a Road and Fail to Stop When Directed by a Uniformed [Police Constable / Traffic Warden] CJS Offence Code: RT88461 Offence Wording: Ride a Pedal Cycle on a Road and Fail to Stop When Directed by...
Ride a Pedal Cycle on a Road in Contravention of a Direction given by [Traffic Warden / Constable / Traffic Officer] (Engaged in the Regulation of Traffic) CJS Offence Code: RT88937 Offence Wording: Ride a Pedal Cycle on a Road in Contravention of a Direction given by...
Fail to Stop Vehicle When Directed by [Constable / Traffic Warden / Traffic Officer / PCSO] Engaged in Regulation of Road Traffic CJS Offence Code: RT88076 Offence Wording: Fail to Stop Vehicle When Directed by [Constable / Traffic Warden / Traffic Officer...
Driver of Motor Vehicle Fail to Proceed As Directed by [Constable / Traffic Warden / Traffic Officer] CJS Offence Code: RT88079 Offence Wording: Driver of Motor Vehicle Fail to Proceed As Directed by [Constable / Traffic Warden...
Fail to Stop a Mechanically Propelled Vehicle When Required by [Constable / Traffic Warden / Traffic Officer] CJS Offence Code: RT88578 Offence Wording: Fail to Stop a Mechanically Propelled Vehicle When Required by [Constable / Traffic Warden...
Fail to Stop Vehicle for Traffic Survey When Directed by [Constable / Traffic Warden / Traffic Officer] CJS Offence Code: RT88082 Offence Wording: Fail to Stop Vehicle for Traffic Survey When Directed by [Constable / Traffic Warden...
Fail to Keep to a Particular Line for Traffic Survey When Directed by [Constable / Traffic Warden / Traffic Officer] CJS Offence Code: RT88085 Offence Wording: Fail to Keep to a Particular Line for Traffic Survey When Directed by [Constable...
Fail to Proceed to a Particular Point for Traffic Survey When Directed by [Constable / Traffic Warden / Traffic Officer] CJS Offence Code: RT88088 Offence Wording: Fail to Proceed to a Particular Point for Traffic Survey When Directed by [Constable...