Drive a Motor Vehicle Otherwise than in Accordance with a Licence – Non-endorsable Offence

CJS Offence Code: RT88507

Standard Offence Wording
On **(..SPECIFY DATE..) at **(..SPECIFY TOWNSHIP..) drove a motor vehicle, namely **(..SPECIFY VEHICLE MAKE AND INDEX NUMBER..) on a road, namely **(..SPECIFY ROAD AND LOCATION..), otherwise than in accordance with a licence authorising you to drive a motor vehicle of that class in circumstances where your driving would have been in accordance with any licence that could have been granted to you, namely **(..SPECIFY THE CIRCUMSTANCES – DO NOT CONFUSE THIS OFFENCE WITH THE ENDORSEABLE OFFENCE..)

Contrary to section 87(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

Home Office Classification

This offence carries a fine of £50 and no penalty points.

For comprehensive information regarding this offence, please log in to PNLD.

Metropolitan Police Offence Code

The following information is intended for Metropolitan Police Officers who use a different coding system, this code being correct as of Form 4740 (October 2018) or Form 4741 (June 2018).

MetPol Offence Code: 299

Statute: Statute (A) – Road Traffic Act 1988

Notes: The offence and brief wording will be entered in full on the Traffic Offence Report.


Driving Licence Categories

Visit the Gov.UK website for an explanation of the Driving Licence Categories listed on the reverse of the Driving Licence.

Driving Licence Codes

The codes and their meanings are as follows:

01 – eyesight correction, for example glasses or contact lenses
02 – hearing/communication aid
10 – modified transmission
15 – modified clutch
20 – modified braking systems
25 – modified accelerator systems
30 – combined braking and accelerator systems (for licences issued before 28 November 2016)
31 – pedal adaptations and pedal safeguards
32 – combined service brake and accelerator systems
33 – combined service brake, accelerator and steering systems
35 – modified control layouts
40 – modified steering
42 – modified rear-view mirror(s)
43 – modified driving seats
44 – modifications to motorbikes
44 (1) – single operated brake
44 (2) – adapted front wheel brake
44 (3) – adapted rear wheel brake
44 (4) – adapted accelerator
44 (5) – (adjusted) manual transmission and manual clutch
44 (6) – (adjusted) rear-view mirror(s)
44 (7) – (adjusted) commands (direction indicators, braking light, etc)
44 (8) – seat height allowing the driver, in sitting position, to have two feet on the surface at the same time and balance the motorcycle during stopping and standing
44 (11) – adapted foot rest
44 (12) – adapted hand grip
45 – motorbikes only with sidecar
46 – tricycles only (for licences issued before 29 June 2014)
70 – exchange of licence
71 – duplicate of licence
78 – restricted to vehicles with automatic transmission
79 – restricted to vehicles in conformity with the specifications stated in brackets on your licence
79 (2) – restricted to category AM vehicles of the 3-wheel or light quadricycle type
79 (3) – restricted to tricycles
96 – allowed to drive a vehicle and trailer where the trailer weighs at least 750kg, and the combined weight of the vehicle and trailer is between 3,500kg and 4,250kg
97 – not allowed to drive category C1 vehicles which are required to have a tachograph fitted
101 – not for hire or reward (that is, not to make a profit)
102 – drawbar trailers only
103 – subject to certificate of competence
105 – vehicle not more than 5.5 metres long
106 – restricted to vehicles with automatic transmissions
107 – not more than 8,250 kilograms
108 – subject to minimum age requirements
110 – limited to transporting persons with restricted mobility
111 – limited to 16 passenger seats
113 – limited to 16 passenger seats except for automatics
114 – with any special controls required for safe driving
115 – organ donor
118 – start date is for earliest entitlement
119 – weight limit for vehicle does not apply
121 – restricted to conditions specified in the Secretary of State’s notice
122 – valid on successful completion: Basic Moped Training Course 125 – tricycles only (for licences issued before 29 June 2014)

Driving in GB on a non-GB Licence

Use this tool to see if you can drive in Great Britain with your non-GB driving licence.

Great Britain is England, Wales and Scotland.

Click here to start.

Updated on 2023-03-18
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