Motor Vehicle Exceed 60mph on Single Carriageway CJS Offence Code: SV77015 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Exceed 60mph on Single Carriageway Contrary to article 3b of the 70...
Passenger Motor Vehicle and Trailer Exceeding 50mph – Single Carriageway CJS Offence Code: RR84130 Offence Wording: Passenger Motor Vehicle and Trailer Exceeding 50mph – Single Carriageway Contrary to sections 86(1),...
Exceed [5mph / 18mph / 20mph / 30mph / 40mph / 50mph / 60mph] Limit for a Goods Vehicle CJS Offence Code: RR84203 Standard Offence Wording On **(..SPECIFY DATE..) at **(..SPECIFY TOWNSHIP..) drove a mechanically propelled vehicle, being a...