Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Zig-zag Lines at a Zebra Crossing CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Zig-zag Lines at a Zebra Crossing Contrary to...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Zig-zag Lines at a [Puffin Crossing / Signal-controlled Crossing Facility / Portable Signal-controlled Pedestrian Facility] CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Zig-zag Lines at a [Puffin Crossing / Signal-controlled...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Zig-zag Lines at a Parallel Pedestrian and Cyclist Crossing (Toucan) CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Zig-zag Lines at a Parallel Pedestrian and Cyclist...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with a School Crossing Patrol Stop Sign CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with a School Crossing Patrol Stop Sign Contrary to...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with a No Entry Sign CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with a No Entry Sign Contrary to section 36(1)...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with a Height Limit Sign CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with a Height Limit Sign Contrary to section 36(1)...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with a Level Crossing Slow or Large Vehicle Phone to Cross Sign CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with a Level Crossing Slow or Large Vehicle Phone...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Light Signals for the Control of Road Traffic at a Level Crossing CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Light Signals for the Control of Road Traffic...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Light Signals for the Control of Road Traffic at a Swing or Lifting Bridge CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Light Signals for the Control of Road Traffic...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Light Signals for the Control of Road Traffic at an Airfield CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Light Signals for the Control of Road Traffic...
Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Light Signals for the Control of Road Traffic in the Vicinity of Premises Used Regularly by [Fire and Rescue Authority / Police / Ambulance Vehicles] CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Motor Vehicle Fail to Comply with Light Signals for the Control of Road Traffic...
Fail to Stop for a Person at a School Crossing Patrol CJS Offence Code: RT88970 Offence Wording: Fail to stop for a person at a school crossing patrol Contrary to section...