Drive a Vehicle on a Road Being a [Footpath / Bridleway] (Section 34 RTA) CJS Offence Code: RT88469 Standard Offence Wording On **(..SPECIFY DATE..) at **(..SPECIFY TOWNSHIP..), without lawful authority, drove a mechanically propelled...
[Drive / Ride] a Motor Vehicle on a [Footpath / Causeway] Beside a Road – Outside Greater London CJS Offence Code: HY35001 Offence Wording: [Drive / Ride] a Motor Vehicle on a [Footpath / Causeway] Beside a Road...
Park a Heavy Commercial Vehicle [Wholly / Partly] on Land Between Two Carriageways Which Is Not a Footway CJS Offence Code: RT88518 Offence Wording: Park a Heavy Commercial Vehicle [Wholly / Partly] on Land Between Two Carriageways Which...
Park a Heavy Commercial Vehicle [Wholly / Partly] on a Footway CJS Offence Code: RT88519 Offence Wording: Park a Heavy Commercial Vehicle [Wholly / Partly] on a Footway Contrary to section...
Ride a Pedal Cycle on a [Footpath / Causeway] by the Side of a Road [Made / Set Apart] for the Use of Foot Passengers CJS Offence Code: HY35006 Offence Wording: Ride a Pedal Cycle on a [Footpath / Causeway] by the Side of a...