Open a Vehicle Door so as to [Injure / Endanger] a Person

CJS Offence Code: RC86139

Standard Offence Wording
On **(..SPECIFY DATE..) at **(..SPECIFY TOWNSHIP..) opened a door of a vehicle, namely **(..SPECIFY VEHICLE MAKE AND INDEX NUMBER..), on a road, namely **(..SPECIFY ROAD AND LOCATION..), so as to injure or endanger a person.

Contrary to regulation 105 of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

Home Office Classification

This offence carries a fine of £50 and no penalty points.

For comprehensive information regarding this offence, please log in to PNLD.

Metropolitan Police Offence Code

The following information is intended for Metropolitan Police Officers who use a different coding system, this code being correct as of Form 4740 (October 2018) or Form 4741 (June 2018).

MetPol Offence Code: 313

Statute: (C) R105 – Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986

Notes: The offence and brief wording will be entered in full on the Traffic Offence Report.


Updated on 2022-04-08
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