Cause Vehicle to Be Left in a Dangerous Position (Endorsable) CJS Offence Code: RT88508 Offence Wording: Cause Vehicle to Be Left in a Dangerous Position (Endorsable) Contrary to section 22...
Wilful Obstruction of a Highway with Motor Vehicle CJS Offence Code: HY80020 Standard Offence Wording On **(..SPECIFY DATE..) at **(..SPECIFY TOWNSHIP..), without lawful authority or excuse, wilfully obstructed...
Cause Unnecessary Obstruction by [Motor Vehicle / Trailer] — Outside of the Greater London Area CJS Offence Code: RC86405 Standard Offence Wording On **(..SPECIFY DATE..) at **(..SPECIFY TOWNSHIP..), being a person in charge of a...
Leave Motor Vehicle on a Road Not Attended by Person Licensed to Drive It Engine Not Stopped [and/or Parking Brake not Set] (Quitting) CJS Offence Code: RC86011 Standard Offence Wording On **(..SPECIFY DATE..) at **(..SPECIFY TOWNSHIP..), left on a road, namely **(..SPECIFY ROAD...
Park on a Cab Rank Outside Greater London CJS Offence Code: RR84135 Offence Wording: Park on a Cab Rank Outside Greater London Contrary of the above local traffic...
Drive Vehicle and Stopped It on a Road Designated as a Clearway – Local Traffic Order Outside Greater London CJS Offence Code: RR84100 Offence Wording: Drive Vehicle and Stopped It on a Road Designated as a Clearway – Local...
Allow a Vehicle to Wait on a Road When Waiting Was Prohibited CJS Offence Code: RR84097 Offence Wording: Allow a Vehicle to Wait on a Road When Waiting Was Prohibited Contrary of...
Park a Motor Vehicle in Darkness Other than at Nearside of Road CJS Offence Code: RC86430 Offence Wording: Park a Motor Vehicle in Darkness Other than at Nearside of Road Contrary to...
Allow Motor Vehicle Wait on Road in Excess of Limited Period – Local Traffic Order CJS Offence Code: RR84001 Offence Wording: Allow Motor Vehicle Wait on Road in Excess of Limited Period – Local Traffic...
Allow Motor Vehicle to Wait on a Road During Peak Period – Local Traffic Order Outside Greater London CJS Offence Code: RR84094 Offence Wording: Allow Motor Vehicle to Wait on a Road During Peak Period – Local Traffic...
[Load / Unload] a Motor Vehicle When Such Activity Was Prohibited – Local Traffic Order Outside Greater London CJS Offence Code: RR84091 Offence Wording: [Load / Unload] a Motor Vehicle When Such Activity Was Prohibited – Local Traffic...
Park a Vehicle in a Pedestrianised Area – Local Traffic Order Outside Greater London CJS Offence Code: RR84181 Offence Wording: Park a Vehicle in a Pedestrianised Area – Local Traffic Order Outside Greater London...
Parking Without Payment by [Token / Season / Daily Ticket] Outside Greater London CJS Offence Code: RR84137 Offence Wording: Parking Without Payment by [Token / Season / Daily Ticket] Outside Greater London Contrary...
Stop Vehicle on the Motorway [Hard Shoulder / Emergency Refuge Area] CJS Offence Code: ME82010 Offence Wording: Stop Vehicle on the Motorway [Hard Shoulder / Emergency Refuge Area] Contrary to regulation...